Submit credits

Thanks for contributing your credits to the ADNA! Please feel free to share a donation here, and read on

First Time Submissions

If this is your first time submitting, great! Here’s how it works:

We focus on adding known credits for audio description film and tv and streaming. (There is much more to AD, like corporate, educational, and more, but for theADNA, it’s existing credits for AD for film and tv and streaming.)

send an email to like this:

no attachments (no pdf, no excel, no word)

just in the body of the email, text only:

Your name

Your role

include the credits in the order you want (it’s up to you if you divide by film / streaming, or alphabetical, or most recent first.)

add any publicly available social media links, websites, or bios; we’ll put that at the bottom.

If you know there’s another version, please specify (we are based in the US, so default to that assumption, but feel free to list Canada, Australia, UK, etc.)

Updating Credits

For updates, take your existing page here, and add to it, and resubmit in an email to – please, no attachments, no pdf, no word, no excel, just a list in the body of the email. That makes sure it’s in the order you want it!

If you have done different roles in AD (narrator or voice talent, engineer, mix, editor, writer, quality control, etc.) each role has it’s own page. So send a different email! Our audiences love searching for all roles and their credits.


A one-time $5 (thanks for the tip!) helps offset our admin.

Or, consider ongoing monthly subscription support (this helps build up both the upload process, and our outreach, for all our benefit)